[Real Review] Review about breast surgery at NANA

Breast Surgery at NANA

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It's exactly 10 days after my surgery.
I had BellaGel 325cc and 350cc with underarm incision
But I've got bruises underneath as if I had incision there.

I like everything about it; the size, the shape
everything is all perfect but what I just don't like is that bruise
I've got underneath...
Doctor told me that the blood is clogged and will take time
for it to fade...

Still, I feel good with the outcome!
I'm back to my everyday activity and 
can't wait for full recovery~

  ★  ★  ★  ★  ★

Better result with Dual Plane Plus!

What is Dual Plane & Dual Plane Plus?

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Dual Plain
                        Implant Insertion: Upper part under the muscles; 
                                      bottom part underneath the glandular tissue.

breast surgery, korean breast surgery, breast augmentation, breast implant, breast surgery specialist

Dual Plain Plus
                       Implant Insertion: Upper part under the muscles; 
                                   bottom part is cover with fascia lining to improve the texture.

Advantages of NANA Breast Surgery!

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NANA's ONE DAY Breast Surgery

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It's possible with NANA!

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Contact us -
Tel: +82-70-5202-8849
Whatsapp: +82-10-7150-0601
Email: nanahospital.eng@gmail.com
Line: @nanahospital
Kakao: nanahospital

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Homepage: www.en.nanaprs.com

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