NANA'S : MAMA Tummy Tuck

Why NANA's MAMA Tummy Tuck? 

In cases of increased skin and abdominal muscles due to pegnancy, childbirth, and rapid weight loss, there is a limit to simple liposuction. NANA's MAMA Tummy Tuck is the most definitive surgical procedure to cut the stretched skin and form the abdominal muscles with reduced elasticity by applying a surgical incision to the inside of the pantyline along with the maximum liposucton of the waist line and upper abdomen.

Surgery Information 

To whom is MAMA Tummy Tuck recommended for? 

  • Pregnancy and childbirth caused severe stretch marks, skin sagging, and a bulging stomach
  • The skin is sagging due to sudden weight loss
  • Wants to improve the stretched uneven skin after liposuction
  • Have a case of limited recovery of elasticity through exercise

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