NANA Spring Promotion 2020

🌸 Spring is almost here!🌸

Since the weather is warming up, we can finally go outside and enjoy the beauty of spring!
As we are leaving winter depression and the dark colour spectrum behind us, it is time to get another thing off our mind that has been bothering us for a long time: the one thing we've never liked about appearance.
May it be your breasts, jawline, nose, or the fat around your thighs you just can't seem to get rid of, NANA spring promotions cover all of those areas, so you can finally put an end to your struggles without emptying your wallet too much!
After all there are so many nice spring clothes that will look beautiful on you after the surgery! ~😁

🌸 NANA Hospital - Spring Promotion*🌸

[Valid for surgeries in March & April ONLY]

1. Breast Augmentation (from 30% off~)
  • Mentor MemoryGel
  • Bellagel Micro
2. Breast Augmentation + fat grafting to breasts for natural and plump cleavage!
   Up to 60% off - choose from :

  • Motiva Ergonomix Progressive Gel 
  • Mentor MemoryGel Xtra
  • Mentor MemoryGel
  • Bellagel Micro

3. Eyes & Nose 20 ~ 25% off

4. Fat grafting ~50% off

5. Liposuction 30 ~ 50% off

6. Facial Contouring .
  • Zygoma (Cheekbones)
  • Jawline
  • Chin Surgery
  • V-line Surgery
  • Genioplasty
  • Forehead Reduction
  • Implant (Forehead, nasolabial fold, chin)
*Simple T&C applies

❣ Feel free to contact us for your customized procedure & price list ❣

Check out these beautiful results from people who visited NANA Plastic Surgery Hospital and got some of those surgeries done!

(Left: nose, chin implant; Right: nose, eyes)

(Left: eyes; Right: facial contouring, nose, eyes, fat grafting (MTF Feminization))

(Left: breast augmentation; Right: liposuction)

Contact us -
Tel: +82-10-7150-0601
Line: @nanahospital
Kakao: nanahospital

- Connect with us -
Instagram: nanahospital_eng / nanaprs.eng
Facebook: nanahospital.eng

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