What is the Best Incision Option for Breast Augmentation? | Under Armpit OR Under Breast?

Many of you might be interested or considering to get breast augmentation.
So NANA prepared a very helpful information you MUST KNOW BEFORE GETTING BA: representative main incision methods of breast surgery which are TRANSAXILLARY INCISION (under armpit) and INFRAMAMMARY INCISION (under the breast).

🔸Transaxillary Incision Method🔸 

This method is often chosen by patients who want to minimize the scar as much as possible. The incision line gradually fades and looks like just one of the under armpit wrinkle lines as time goes on, and thus its a good method to choose when trying to have minimal scar post-op.

Transaxillary incision is easy to hide the scar as it is under the armpits and can be easily seen as one of armpit wrinkle lines and it gradually fades away in about a year, so I think that under the armpit incision is less visible in terms of scar.

🔸Inframammary Incision Method🔸

This method is chosen by patients who want to have faster recovery time and less pain post-op as the pocket scope made for the implant insertion is small.

As for inframammary incision, it depends on the breast dropping. If the breast is drooping a bit, incision line can be hidden under the breasts. That can be an advantage but if the patient has less glandular tissue or doesn't have any breast drooping, then the incision can be pretty visible after the surgery. However, the incision line gradually fades into a thin line in about a year so it would be wrong to think that scar remains visible.

Both incisional methods have their own pros and cons, 
so it's up to patient to think and decide which incision method is more suitable for them.

If you want to get more information about breast surgeries, 
don't hesitate to contact NANA Hospital and get in-detail consultation in English ðŸ˜‰


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