All about LIPOSUCTION |Things you should KNOW when going under Body Liposuction!

Hi everyone! I'm back and I brought some information regarding liposuction😀

There are just some parts of our body that is hard to lose weight no matter how much we exercise. Then, what other alternatives are there?


Liposuction can treat areas that are resistant to exercise and diet. It can help reduce the number of fat cells and help us lose weight faster.

So for those who are thinking of liposuction, I've brought some commonly asked questions and answers from doctors! 

Q) Is liposuction a painful surgery?

Liposuction out of a variety of procedures is a painful surgery.

Compared to rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery since we’re dealing with the larger part of the body and we’re extracting quite a bit, it’ll hurt.

The medical tool to measure pain level is the “Visual Analog Scale”. We measure something called the face core and determine how much pain a person is suffering from this tool.

No pain scores 0 and the highest score would be 10 the most painful experience.

So if you want to know how painful it is based on this tool, the pain of childbirth is thought to be around 8. If you get a really bad flu the score is around 2-3.

Liposuction is about 4 to 5. It hurts about twice as much as the flu on average.

Q) Will I get scars from getting liposuction?

All surgeries will cause scarring.

The first rule for liposuction is to leave a scar on an area not visible to the eye.

One of the biggest concerns for plastic surgery is scar minimization and this also goes for liposuction as well. We usually make an incision in an area where you can’t see the scars. Somewhere your undergarments will hide your scars.

For the stomach area, we would cut somewhere under the line of underwear or the darker side of the belly button.

For thighs, an incision would be made on the inner side of the underwear line.

As for the buttocks, an incision would be made along the ridges of your buttocks.

For the back area, we would cut somewhere along the bra line where it’s hidden underneath the bra to minimize the visibility of the scars. That’s rule NUMBER 1!

The second rule is to use a wound protector (skin protector) for the incision area.

A cannula (a tube to extract bodily fluids) and Wound Protector (skin protector) goes together. It helps by blocking frictional heat made by the cannula going in and out of the body and reduces wounding.


The would protector protects your skin from getting worse scars. If a scar happens to form, we use a method where the scar would appear to be a small thin line.

Q) When can we start exercising after the surgery?

You can actually start right away. But it's not a recommendation because when you get liposuction, your body fluid and blood are extracted with the fat. It makes you feel weak and fatigued.

Therefore, you should get at least a week of rest without exercising at all.

Some patients get overly enthusiastic and exercise early on and they faint because their blood pressure dips too low. Thus, start taking light walks after a week and increase the intensity or other aerobic exercises that suit your recovery rate.

Q) Will I gain back weight if I eat too much after the surgery?

You may gain weight in the area you had liposuction, but the speed of gaining weight will be slower than other parts of your body. 

After the surgery, for some time you will gain weight slowly but if you keep gaining weight, the fat cells in the surgical area will increase which means you might go back to your original body. 

We are not saying that patients need to work out and lose weight after the surgery but at least maintain the shape of the body :D 

These were the most asked Q&As! Hope it helped you guys :D

If you are interested in any of the surgeries or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact NANA Hospital. Our English speaking staffs will help you through every process😉


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