Ultherapy: Non surgical + No Downtime Timewinding Results! Popular Dermatology Treatment in Korea~


Hi guys we are back with more information on Ultherapy~ 
Lately, non-invasive treatment is becoming more and more popular! 
What is Ultherapy? 
Who can get it
What are the side effects? 

Ultherapy is High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound [HIFU] machine.
A.k.a. Micro-focused ultrasound energy!
This equipment creates tissue heating to enforce the re-creation of collagen within the skin. This technique improves the skin over 6 months. Ultherapy does not require surgery, sedation, or invasive puncture points. 

Ultherapy is applied to depth 1.5–4.5 mm.

Ultherapy is widely used for patients who want less invasive treatments.
Ultherapy is best applied to patients with laxity, loose, sagging skin. 
When Ultherapy is applied to areas needed, here are the changes! 

Where can Ultherapy be applied? 
Applicable areas are the face, brow, double chin, neck, and decolletage.
Ultherapy uses micro-focused ultrasound energy tissue heating, it also helps with tightening the turkey neck and if your double chin was caused by loose skin collagen regeneration can help improve the areas.
Many of you may be also concerned about the neck and upper chest area.
Worry no more! 
Ultherapy can be applied to both the neck and upper chest. 

Many of you may be worried about the side effects of Ultherapy. 
After the treatment, there may be redness, itchy-ness, dryness, and swelling temporarily.
In rare cases, there may be some bruising and depressed areas.
To avoid these temporary causes make sure you talk to a medical professional! 
Lastly, for those of you who are interested in doing 
decolletage area, make sure you inform the doctor if you have a breast implant, fat graft, or any medical history regarding the area.
Also, FDA not yet has approved the effects on keloid skin, so please talk to your medical professional! :) 
Also, of course, some of you may have heard the rumors of Ultherapy.
If you are worried about the authenticity of the machine now you can do so by checking the official mark provided with the treatment! 

Hope you guys got all your answers~ 
See you in the next post! 


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