No Facial Contouring But JUST Eyes & Nosejob Changed my Face Proportion!

Hi, guys! ✋ How are you guys doing?

It's been a long time since we brought a Vlog review from our Youtube Channel:

NANA Hospital Korea Plastic Surgery

Today, we brought Miha from Vietnam!

She's studying in Korea and here at NANA for her eyes and nose.

Consultation Day

Her main concern was that her face wasn't proportionate when taking selfies.

With these, she had a consultation with Dr. Kim Il Hwan.

According to Dr. Kim, Miha is going to get the following:

Non-incisional double eyelid surgery --> make the existing crease line more defined

Rhinoplasty (tip& bridge) --> silicone implant on her bridge, septal cartilage for the tip, straight nose

After the consultation, she went for a medical checkup.

Surgery DAY  

She came back for her surgery.

She prepares for the surgery: face wash & changes into a patient gown.

Then, she meets the doctor again for the finalization and design. 

After all the preparation is done, she goes into the surgery room.

3rd DAY POST-OP   

Miha came back on the 3rd day after her surgery and got her merocel removed.

Now, she's able to breathe much more easily.

The nurse taught her how to apply the ointment to her nose and her ears.


She came back on the 7th-day post-op and got her stitches removed.

Removing stitches can be uncomfortable but it's not that bad!

After 5 months of surgery, Miha is VERY satisfied with the result. We can definitely see a huge change!

As you can see, her face is much more proportionate than before! :)

If you want to watch the video for this Vlog review, you can watch it here :


👇 Click to See 👀



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