Facial Feminization at Nana Plastic Surgery in Korea: Facial Contouring, Fat Grating, Liposuction


       Madison's experience getting a Facial Feminization Plastic Surgery: Facial Contouring, Fat Grafting, and Liposuction

        We're back with a new post! 😀

        We'll like to show you a recent experience from Madison. 
        She came to South Korea to get facial feminization surgery. 


                                      Consultation DAY 

      Her main concern is that she does not have a nice feminine jaw, so she wants to get a v-line. She also has sagging skin and some fat. In other words, her concern is the protruding cheekbone on the right side


According to Dr. Kwon, Madison is going to have the following:
He will reduce the cheekbone a little bit by cutting in the form of an L to make it symmetrical. In the case of her jawline: 

She has the upper part more protruding than this side of the square jaw.  

As she wants to make a vline on this side, Dr. Kwon will shave off the jawline through a long curve.

For her chin, the old implant will be removed, and the Dr. will cut like it is shown in the picture:

And then, he will make it protrude out like it is shown in the picture:

Finally, Dr. Kwon will do a double chin liposuction

and also a full-face fat grafting.

After the consultation and medical checkup, on the surgery day, she meets the doctor again for the finalization and design.

After all the preparation is done, she goes into the surgery room.


The highest level of pain was within the 48 hours. Then, she applied some ice on her face, and she felt better. 

                             Finally, here we have Momo's before & after photos!

As you can see, her face is much more feminine than before! :)

If you want to watch the video for this review, you can watch it here:


Best wishes,


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