Body Contouring: Beginner's Guide

Hey everyone!

NANA is back again with another blog and today we'll be looking at body contouring! Now a lot of us are wondering how can we maintain or achieve that hourglass figure, especially when we have so much stubborn fat that refuses to disappear even after exercising vigorously for months on end. One of the ways that you can most certainly do so is via liposuction! There are three main areas that liposuction targets so let's take a look, shall we?

Credit: Pinterest

Abdominal Liposuction

This area consists of the most amount of fat to be taken out, a more complex surgical procedure is needed to analyse the possibility of sag deflection. Most of your stubborn fats are located in your abdominal region, so in order to remove them the procedure will need to be done on each side as well as from the front. The average weight loss is about 3~5kg, with a 5~10cm waist reduction.

Intake amount: About 1000cc~2500cc

Aftercare: 3 months of compression garment 

Credit: on Pinterest

Thigh Liposuction

Your thighs are one of the main areas cellulite can be formed. This causes a lot of concern for patients. Fortunately, cellulite can also be removed via liposuction to create smoother lines on your thighs. A detailed consult is also needed to shape the thighs to give the silhouette of slimmer legs

Intake Amount: About 1,500cc~ 2,500cc per thigh

Aftercare: 2 months of compression garment

Credit: on Pinterest

Upper Arm Liposuction

As one of the major concerns for fat removal is around this area, this is a fairly popular procedure that involves the removal of fat around the inner and outer sections of the upper arm, creating a smooth line and defined shape.

Intake Amount: About 200cc~800cc per arm

Aftercare: 2~3 months of compression garment

And that's it for today! Have you ever thought about removing your stubborn fat this way? Let us know!




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